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Satellite based Monitoring System Quick Station
Tokai University Research & Information Center (TRIC) and Tokai University S pace Information Center (TSIC) are constructing a monitoring system using satellite observation. We call this system Quick Station. The aim of Quick Station is to provide users useful images and information acquired from satellite observation in near real time.
In this home page, you can find various images of GMS and NOAA uploaded in near real time.
●Weather observation
GMS Global Disk Images
GMS images around Japan
GMS images around Iriomote-irand
●Sea ice monitoring(Okhotsk Sea)
MODIS data
●Support for Tokai Univ.'s Research and Education program
The environmrnt and location of the Tokai Univ.research vessel Bosei-maru seen from GMS (the 46th overseas training voyage)New!!
The latest image around Austrlia ovserved by the weather satellite Himawari(Support for Tokai Univ. Solor car team)<finished>
A site of the solor eclipse observation from the weather satellite HImawari-6<finished>
GMS images around Tibet(Support for Tokai univ.'s Himarayan expedition)<finished>
●Volcano monitoring(Sakura-island, Suwase-island, Miyake-island)<inactive>
NOAA data
●Emergency respond (under test)
NOAA data
E-mail:[email protected]