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ISPRS Technical Commission Ⅳ Symposium

ISPRS Technical Commission VI Symposium

Theme: Sharing and Cooperation in Geo-information Technology
The Campus of The Institute of Technology, Bandung(ITB), Indonesia
Date: April 15-17, 1999
The ISPRS Technical Commission VI symposium was successfully held at the Institute of Technology, Bandung(ITB), Indonesia from April 15 to 17, 1999.
The main theme of the ISPRS Com. VI is "Education and Communication". Total of 91 people from 13 countries/regions have attended the symposium, and 32 papers were presented.
The keynote addresses were given by the ISPRS President Dr. Lawrence Fritz and the ISPRS First Vice President Prof. Shunji Murai, and the technical sessions were followed. The Working Group VI/2  organized a session on Computer Assisted Teaching(CAT) at the symposium. The titles of the papers which were presented at the session are as follows.

・CAT/CAL in photogrammetry on the internet
  Joachim Hohle, Aalborg University (Denmark)
・Remote Sensing Navigator(RSNAVI): A software package for education
  Kohei Cho, Tokai University (Japan)
  Masako Shinada, Hisashi Tanaka, SED
  Yuuji Kanamori, RESTEC
  Masahiro Saito, NASDA
・An experience in implementing information technology for distance learning in higher education (canceled)
  Onno Purbo (Indonesia)
・An alternative transport for distance learning using TELEKOMNET-TURBO
  Andy Revara, Eka Indarto, PT.Telkom(Indonesia)

More information about the symposium can be acquired from:
Prof. Lukman AZIZ
ISPRS Commission VI
Department of Geodetic Engineering
The Institute of Technology, Bandung(ITB) JI. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
Phone: +62-22-250 1116 / Fax: +62-22-250-1116
E-mail: [email protected]

Kohei Cho
ISPRS Com.VI Working Group 2
Research & Information Center Tokai University
2-28-4, Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 151-0063
Tel: +813-3481-0611 / Fax: +813-3481-0610
E-mail: [email protected]